Thursday, May 10, 2012

6 Images

For this image I decided to show the country of Rwanda with a skull and crossbones to reveal the genocide that occurred to all the innocent people. I also wrote innocence does not matter because the tootsies and hutus were vicious and killed anyone that was not one of their own. 

For this symbol i showed UN flag in between the Tootsie and Hutu flag with a low opacity to reveal the flames in the background. The flames represent the destruction that they caused in Rwanada. Lastly, the UN flag is warped because it was so difficult for them to protect the innocent people.

This image represents the machete going through the UN logo to represent the UN attempting to protect  
but the machetes were used by the Hutus. This represents evilness by the Hutu.

This image represents all the innocent Rwandans stuck in Rwanda and pleading for the UN to help them but the UN did travel back to Europe. The main message is help from the UN.

 I tried to show one person making a difference which in Hotel Rwanda was Paul trying to protect the innocent by welcoming them into his hotel. The people behind are the innocent Rwandans and Paul is the yellow brownish man in the front.

For this last image i tried to show the country of Rwanda asking for help but the main countries looking away. The one country not shown is France because they did help Paul and the innocent people. 

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